Troy Bremer, Ph.D.

CSO and Founder of PreludeDx

0:29 Current Standard of DCIS Care
1:07 Role of Radiation Therapy for DCIS
3:12 DCISionRT Overview & Test Results Explanation
5:04 DCISionRT Validation Data Highlights
16:24 DCISionRT: Consistent RT Prediction
18:58 DCISionRT Clinical Summary
20:09 PREDICT Registry Summary
21:06 Future of DCISionRT

Vincent Reid, MD, FACS

Medical Director, Hall-Perrine Cancer Center & Chairman of Surgery, Mercy Medical Center

22:46 Speaker Introduction
23:45 Clinical Dilemma for Managing DCIS Patients
26:45 Case Studies
33:50 Conclusion: A Surgeon’s Perspective

Q and A with the Panelists

36:19 What does a DCISion Score of 3 mean for a patient?
37:30 Is DCISionRT covered by insurance?
38:11 How does DCISionRT work in different subtypes of patients?
40:17 How to incorporate DCISionRT into protocol with tumor boards?
41:37 Do unexpected recurrences occur in patients tested with DCISionRT?
42:45 How to best introduce DCISionRT for implementation in a multidisciplinary practice?
44:36 How does DCISionRT impact mastectomy considerations?
46:16 How do high DCISion Scores & large lesions impact treatment recommendations?
47:20 What are benefits of ordering DCISionRT on Pre-Surgical Biopsy Specimen?
48:23 What is the Turn Around Time?
48:42 How does DCISionRT help with decision between BCS + RT vs oncoplastic vs mastectomy?