Dede Goehler, BSN

Registered Nurse & PreludeDx Patient Advocate

0:00 Speaker Introduction

Leonard Farber, MD

Radiation Oncologist

1:54 Speaker Introduction
2:34 Current Standard of DCIS Care
3:52 Who Benefits from Radiation Therapy?
5:50 DCISionRT Overview
10:31 DCISionRT & OncotypeDx DCIS: A Comparison
12:09 DCISionRT validation data highlights
21:47 DCISionRT PREDICT Registry
22:53 Case Studies
29:30 Conclusion: A Radiation Oncologist’s Perspective

Q and A with the Panelists

32:48 What is the turn-around-time for DCISionRT?
33:06 Does insurance cover DCISionRT?
34:44 As a nurse, how can I help integrate DCISionRT into my physician’s practice?
36:46 What type of tissue specimen can DCISionRT be ordered on?
39:30 Does DCISionRT account for the benefits of hormone therapy?