My DCIS Journey. “DCISionRT gave me the confidence to forego radiation therapy.”

“In my follow-up appointment with the radiation oncologist, he reviewed the DCISionRT test results and concluded that ‘these test results are based on your biology and there is no need for you to have radiation’. So, I was done with treatment! The doctors will continue to monitor me and if my cancer comes back, we can still consider other options at that time.”

2022-07-24T14:48:42-05:00June 28th, 2022|

Living Your Best Life…Post DCIS Diagnosis

“Choose to be your own advocate. Get as much information as you can. Then with all the information in hand, you can decide with your family, physicians and God what is best for you. For me, the DCISionRT test was critical in helping me make a personalized decision.”

2022-07-24T14:48:49-05:00May 31st, 2022|

I had never heard of DCIS before

Pamela, 55, married, with a son in college, went in for her annual mammogram in April and was called in for a second mammogram. She had an uneasy feeling when the radiologist came in and told her that there was something suspicious on her mammogram – maybe a precancerous lesion or ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) […]

2022-07-24T14:50:11-05:00October 26th, 2021|
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