About Lindsay Keith

Lindsay Keith, MD, FACS , is a fellowship-trained breast oncology surgeon at Saint Thomas Medical Partners in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. She has a special interest in benign breast diseases, breast cancer, high-risk breast cancer screening and survivorship care after treatment for breast cancer. When she is not in the office, she enjoys pending time with family and friends, caring for her horse, boating, biking and playing violin.

My DCIS Journey: “Given my age and current diabetes, without the DCISionRT test results, I probably would have not done radiation.”

“My Decision Score was 6.2, which is considered elevated. My 10-year total risk of recurrence (DCIS + invasive) was 22% with breast conserving surgery alone and 5% with breast conserving surgery plus radiation. I felt a lot more confident moving forward with RT knowing the decision was based on my personal tumor biology. I have 100% peace of mind with these test results.”

2023-10-24T14:09:31-05:00October 24th, 2023|

My DCIS Journey: “There are a lot of pieces to the DCIS puzzle, but I would say that DCISionRT is one of the biggest pieces.”

“My biggest advice for other women diagnosed with DCIS is to slow down long enough to research and truly understand your options. You have time for a second opinion. You have time for genetic testing. You have time for the DCISionRT molecular test. You must be your own advocate, make sure your opinions are heard, and not be overly pressured to just go along with the doctor’s recommendation.”

2023-10-17T12:14:02-05:00October 17th, 2023|

My DCIS Journey: “Following my DCIS diagnosis, I decided that I wasn’t going to do anything until I had the DCISionRT test.”

“My Decision Score was a 9.2 out of 10, which is quite high. The test showed that my total risk (DCIS + invasive) of recurrence over the next 10 years was 42% without radiation and 15% with radiation. So, I am very happy that I am doing the right thing. And my doctor was impressed with the test and will be using it for other patients.”

2023-06-20T14:35:33-05:00June 20th, 2023|

My DCIS Journey: “You Must Make a Decision that Is Right for You”

“I went in for my yearly physical and never thought for a second that anything would be wrong. I’m not a typical candidate for breast cancer nor do I have breast cancer anywhere in my family history. After my mammogram, I received a call that something was suspicious, and they wanted me to come in for an ultrasound. I had a biopsy and received a diagnosis of DCIS.”

2022-10-17T16:39:02-05:00October 18th, 2022|

My DCIS Journey: “DCISionRT Answered a Big Mystery – What Is My Personalized Treatment Option?”

“Without DCISionRT, I would have most likely received full radiation since my tumor pathology was considered medium (intermediate) to high grade. So, DCISionRT allowed me to make a health decision that I wouldn’t have otherwise been able to confidently make. Without DCISionRT I would have been throwing darts in the dark – do I need full radiation, partial radiation or no radiation?”

2022-10-11T15:51:24-05:00October 11th, 2022|
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